guess why I'm so happy?
yup. yeah. I just got my IELTS result this noon. I PASS!!!!!!!
although I just got band 6 for overall result but at least it exactly reached the passing score.
I am so surprised that my speaking got 6 cos before that I tot my speaking is the worst basically(last time I just got 4.5 T.T). I dint really speak and answer the questions really well. May be it is because of the foreign examiner? However, THANKS TO YOU, ANGMO EXAMINER :) you was so kind to point and ask me to answer in the correct way.
For listening and reading, both I got 6.5 :D got a little improvement (last time listening 6 and reading 5 only). Hmm... I felt a little disappointment to my writing. May be it is because I always think that my writing is I have the most confidence to do with. Last time 6, this time only 5.5. Nvm, it doesn't matter at least I had passed for the overall result :) Heeeeeee
Thanks to those people who helped me and cared about me in these time. Especially my sis and my bro, gave me RM550 for the test this time without telling my parents ^^'"(I dint dare to tell them and my siblings also don't want me to tell). Haha.
Secondly, thanks to weenee, always be there with me when I was in unstable situation, comforted me all the times.
and also my dear friends - darling shin, liwei, lai, cc, tingting, xiang, kit, H, thomas, vern, susanne and the others who always cared about me. :))))) Feel lucky to have such a gang of good friends.
chacha xD
Second thing that caused me to feel happy isSSSSssssssss............... I'M GOING BACK MIRI TOMORROW!!!! YEAHHHHHHH!!!!
I miss you home. I miss you bubu mimi gugu jiji. I miss you my buddies. I miss you Miri!
I'm so excited is not because of cny, is because I can meet those people that I have missed so much in these 5 months. :DDD however there are still tonnes of assignments projects with me during this holidays. -.-
hehe. kay. hafta pack my things loh. xDDDDD
will update more after reaching my sweeeeetttttttttttt hometown.
bubaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!
wish me win a lot this year yar xDDDD
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